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HomeSoftwareWhat ChurchTrac Is, And How To Use It

What ChurchTrac Is, And How To Use It

What is ChurchTrac?

ChurchTrac is a website that helps churches and other religious organizations keep track of their finances. It’s a great tool for budgeting, accounting, and tracking donations.

How to use ChurchTrac:

1. Log in to
2. Click the “Budget” tab on the left-hand side of the screen.
3. Enter your church’s name in the “Name” field.
4. Click the “Create Budget” button to start creating your budget template.
5. Fill out your budget template as detailed as you need it to be. You can add expenses, income, and donations from all your financial accounts (checking, savings, etc). You can also enter notes about each account and how it impacts your budget.
6. Click the “Share Your Budget” button to send your budget to ChurchTrac for approval/verification.
7. Once your budget is approved, click the “Download” button to download it onto your computer for further use or printing out for use in fiscal year reports or other documentation purposes!

How to Sign Up for ChurchTrac

ChurchTrac is a free online resource that allows congregations to keep track of finances and operations. It provides a centralized place for congregations to manage bills, donations, membership records, and more. ChurchTrac is easy to use and can be accessed from any computer or mobile device. To sign up for ChurchTrac, visit

ChurchTrac Features

ChurchTrac is a great tool for churches to use in order to keep track of finances. With ChurchTrac, churches can easily view their overall financial situation, as well as their individual ministry expenses. Churches can also use ChurchTrac to create budgets and track spending.

Other Useful Options: Pastoral Search and SafeSearch

ChurchTrac is a great tool for pastors looking for ways to connect with their congregants and find new opportunities to minister to them. It also can be used to assess congregants’ safety and security needs.

Can You Use ChurchTrac Outside of the United States?

ChurchTrac is a great resource for churches and other religious organizations in the United States. However, it may not be the best option for churches or other religious organizations located outside of the United States. ChurchTrac relies on IRS data to provide information about church members and their income. This data may not be available in countries where the church is not registered with the IRS. Additionally, ChurchTrac does not provide information about donations made to religious organizations. If you are located outside of the United States, you might want to consider using another tool to track your church’s finances.




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