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HomeHealthIs Turmeric an Effective Treatment for Sore Throat? Additional Tips!

Is Turmeric an Effective Treatment for Sore Throat? Additional Tips!


Does Turmeric for Sore Throat Work?

Transitioning into the colder months is always exciting because we enter the festive season. However, most of us suffer intense sore throats and infections in winter. A sore throat is the most uncomfortable thing; we all want it to go away faster.

There are some remedies for sore throat that show quicker results. Turmeric, the ‘Golden Spice, ’ works best to treat sore throat and remediate viral infections. Are you wondering how to use turmeric for sore throat? This article will help you deal with a sore throat and additional remedies to get rid of it faster!

Is Turmeric Good for Sore Throat?

Turmeric curcumin is quite famous for its healing properties; hence, most people use it in the colder months. One of the things that most people use it for is to treat sore throats. While there is a lot of hype about turmeric, some people think it is unnecessary.

If you are wondering if turmeric helps in treating sore throat, we have the answer. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties that help in reducing pain and scratchiness. On the other hand, it also has antioxidants that heal faster and reduce itchiness.

However, turmeric alone cannot help you deal with a scratchy throat. You do not feel better if you have cold water and ice creams and do not protect yourself against cold. It is essential to take precautions to deal with cold and scratchiness. You can also consult a doctor if you have been sick for a while and your scratchy throat is not cured.

Additional Remedies Using Turmeric for Sore Throat

A sore throat is not the most pleasant to deal with, as the pain can get quite uncomfortable. No one wants to take antibiotics and medicines to treat throat pain as it can make you drowsy. However, some home remedies using turmeric can treat sore throats faster. Here are some turmeric remedies that work:

1.     Turmeric and Salt Water Gargle

One of the ancient remedies that everyone has heard of is gargling with salt water. It helps soothe the throat pain and gets rid of the scratchiness. However, only a few people know that adding turmeric and salt to warm water makes a great combination to treat throat inflammation.

Take one glass of warm water, and add two teaspoons of salt to it and a teaspoon of turmeric. Mix everything well and gargle for at least 5 minutes twice a day. The water may leave a bad taste in your mouth, and turmeric can stain your teeth. Hence, you can also brush your teeth afterwards to freshen your breath. You can also repeat this process three times a day for faster results.

2.     Have Warm Turmeric Tea

When winter is around, you should start having warm liquids to prevent colds. Turmeric tea is one of the best teas to boost your immunity and treat sore throat. It helps in reducing inflammation and kills pain-causing bacteria in your throat.

To make turmeric tea, you need the following:

  • 1 ½ cups of water
  • A small stick of raw turmeric
  • ½ lemon juice
  • A teaspoon of honey
  • A pinch of black pepper

Take a saucepan, add 1 ½ cup of water, and bring it to a boil. Add the raw turmeric stick, lemon juice and a pinch of black pepper. Boil the tea until one cup of liquid is left and pour it into a cup. You can also add honey if you like your tea sweet.

3.     Honey with Turmeric

Honey has great healing properties and is one of the best solutions for sore throat. Honey, in combination with turmeric, works even better to heal a sore throat. You can have a tablespoon of honey with a pinch of black pepper, salt and turmeric to eliminate an itchy throat. You can have this twice daily for faster results, enhancing your immunity.

People also use the curcumin supplement to boost immunity and eliminate oxidative stress. You must take the supplements consistently to observe their impact on your body. Other vitamins and supplements can also help boost your immunity.

4.     Turmeric Water

There are quite a few benefits of having turmeric water at night or during the day. If you feel like you have a sore throat, you can start having turmeric water. It has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties that help treat sore throats faster.

Warm up a glass of water and add a teaspoon of powdered turmeric. Make sure the warm is warm, and mix turmeric well before drinking. It is best to have turmeric water at night as it induces good sleep, but don’t add more than a teaspoon of turmeric.

Final Verdict

A sore throat is not the best to deal with, but we often experience it during weather changes. Turmeric can act as a great remedy for scratchy and sore throats. However, more than a remedy, it is a great preventative measure. If you feel like you are about to get sick, start with one of the turmeric remedies to feel better quicker.





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