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HomeTechHow To Add A Rounded Background To Text HTML

How To Add A Rounded Background To Text HTML

What is Rounded Background?

Rounded Background is a type of background that is created by rounding the edges of an image. This effect can be achieved by using an image editor or by using a web browser. By default, most browsers use the same settings for all browsers, so you don’t need to worry about it.
The different browsers have different ways of displaying rounded backgrounds so it is important to test your design in each one before you publish it.

Examples of Rounded Backgrounds

Adding a rounded background to text HTML can add a nice touch of style to your web pages. You can use any of the following methods to create a rounded background:

-Using an Image: Insert an image into your page and set its dimensions to match the width and height of your text. Then use the image’s filters to round its edges.
-Using CSS: Use the background-round property in your CSS file to create a rounded background for your text. You can also specify a border radius value to make the border around the text more pronounced.
-Using JavaScript: You can also create a rounded background using JavaScript. To do this, you’ll need to include the Math.round() function into your page.

How to add rounded background to text html

There are a couple of ways to add a rounded background to text HTML. The easiest way is to use the CSS property ‘border-radius’. This will give you a rounded edge all around the text.

To add this property, you will first need to insert it into your CSS file. To do this, open up your style sheet and find the section that corresponds to the html tags you want to affect (in our case, the <h1> and <h2> tags). After that, add the following line:

border-radius: 50px;

This will give you a 50 pixel radius around each of your text items. You can adjust the value if you want it larger or smaller.

The second way to achieve a rounded background is to use an image as your border. This method is slightly more complicated but can produce nicer results.

First, you will need to find an image that has a round border. Once you have found it, copy it into your document so that it appears between the <body> and <html> tags. You can then insert the following code into your style sheet:

img {border: 1px solid


If you’re looking to add a rounded background to your text HTML, there are several methods that you can use. One option is to use the CSS property border-radius . This allows you to specify the radius of the rounded corners, in pixels. You can also use an image as a background, and then add a CSS rule that sets the background-image property to the desired file. Or, if you want more control over how your rounded corner looks, you can use JavaScript and create an effect using jQuery. So whichever method works best for you, be sure to take advantage of it in your next project!



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